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Discreet Treatment for Cavities with Tooth-Colored Fillings

Tooth decay results from a buildup of bacteria on the surfaces of teeth. Among the most common oral health problems, decay is easily treated with a simple filling. Previously, dentists used amalgam fillings to treat decay, but today the most common type of filling is a tooth-colored filling.

Tooth-colored fillings are made of a plastic and glass material known as composite resin. Unlike the material used for amalgam fillings, tooth-colored fillings aren’t affected by changes in temperature or by repeated biting or chewing. As a result, patients are more protected from bacterial reinvasion.

Tooth-colored fillings are also more supportive of the tooth’s natural structure. This lets Dr. Gene Gress preserve more of your natural smile.

Of course, the biggest benefit of tooth-colored fillings is that they’re more discreet. Instead of standing out the way amalgam fillings do, they can be shaded to blend in with your smile’s natural color. With your fillings in place, you can smile with confidence as you enjoy restored oral health and wellbeing.

Do you need help treating one or more cavities? Let Dr. Gene Gress talk to you about treatment with tooth-colored fillings. Give us a call today to reserve your appointment. Crooked Road Family Dentistry offers tooth-colored fillings to patients from Rocky Mount, Martinsville, Danville, Timberlake, Lynchburg, and all nearby communities.